Este parche no necesita mucha explicación, el Phantom es otro de mis aviones de caza favoritos y cada vez quedan menos en servicio en el mundo. Pero todavía hay! Aún siguen dando guerra tras 60 años de servicio. No podía faltar Spook, el fantasma-emblema del Phantom.
Poster A1
- F-4B Phantom II, VF-51 Screaming Eagles, LCDR Jerry “DEVIL” Houston/Lt Kevin Moore (RIO), USS Coral Sea, OP. LINEBACKER II, 1972; 153027
- F-4B Phantom II, VF-51 Screaming Eagles, 1 MIG-17 Confirmado, USS Coral Sea, OP. LINEBACKER II, 1972; 150456
- F-4B Phantom II, VF-111 Sundowners, 1 MIG-17 Confirmado el 5 de marzo de 1972, USS Coral Sea, OP. LINEBACKER II, 1972; 153019
- F-4B Phantom II, VF-161 Chargers (Rock River 100), 2 MIG-17 Confirmados el 23 de mayo de 1972, USS Midway, 1972; 153020
- F-4E Phantom II, 497th TFS Night Owls / Hooters, (51st TFW), Camo Euro 1, Taegu AB, Korea ’80s; 680497/AF68-497 A / B
- F-4E Phantom II (“DIANE”), 34th TFS Rude Rams, (388th TFW), LtCol James H.Ayres / Capt Charles W. Stratton (WSO), Korat RTAB, Thailand, Circa 1969; AF66-380
- F-4E Phantom II, 497th TFS Night Owls / Hooters, (51st TFW), James “Spanky Dennis”, Taegu AB, Korea ’80s; AF69-468
- F-4E Phantom II, 36th TFS The Flying Fiends, (51st TFW), 1st Lt Mike “Coma” Reed, Osan, Korea; AF68-421
- F-4D Phantom II, 555th TFS Triple Nickle, (8th TFW), Steve Ritchie/Chuck DeBellvue (WSO), 6 MIGs Confirmados, Udorn RTAB, Thailand; AF67-463 A / B
- F-4C Phantom II, 433rd TFS Satan’s Angels, (8th TFW), Capt Bob Pardo/1st Lt Steve Wayne (WSO), Pardo’s Push, 10 de Marzo de 1967; AF40-839
- F-4c Phantom II, 433rd TFS Satan’s Angels, (8th TFW), Capt Aman/1st Lt Houghton (WSO), Pardo’s Push, 10 de Marzo de 1967: AF37-653
- F-4E Phantom II, 3rd TFS/TFW Peugeots, Capt Mike “Coma” Reed, Camo Euro 1, Clark AB, Philippines, Mid ’80s; AF72-198
- F-4E Phantom II, 480th TFS Warhawks, (52nd TFW), ARN-101/DMAS, Camo Euro 1, Spangdalhem, Germany; AF74-659
- F-4E Phantom II, 68th TFS Lightning Lancers, (347th TFW), COL James “Spanky” dennis, Camo Euro 1, Moody AB, US; AF68-363
- F-4E Phantom II, 3rd TFS/TFW Peugeots, ARN-101 DMAS, Ganador GUNSMOKE’89 (Clark AB, Philippines) / OP. DESERT STORM (Incirlik, Turkey); Equipo y AF71-1086 A / B / C / D
- F-4G Phantom II, 561st TFS Black Knights, (35th TFW), Wild Weasel, CDR Lt Col George “John Boy” Walton/Capt Bud Redmon (EWO), George AB, US, OP. DESERT STORM; AF69-288
- F-4J Phantom II, VMFAT-101 Sharpshooters, Training squadron; 157246 A / B
- F-4B Phantom II, VF-213 Black Lions, CAG 11 CMDR Royce Williams, USS Kitty Hawk, 1965-67; 152996
- F-4B Phantom II, VF-114 Aardvarks, CAG 11 CMDR Royce Williams, USS Kitty Hawk, 1965-67; 153026
- VF-84 Jolly Rogers:
- 20A: F-4B USS Independence, 1965; 152234
- 20B: F-4J USS Roosevelt, 1970-1975; 155861
Poster B1
- F-4EJ Kai Phantom II “Super Phantom”, Koku Kaihatsu Jikken Shudan (Air Development and Test Wing), Gifu AB, 2018-2021; 87-8409,
- F-4EJ Kai Phantom II “Super Phantom”, 302sq (83th AW), “40 years of Phantom”, Naha AB, 2007-2012; 67-8388
- F-4EJ Kai Phantom II “Super Phantom”, 301sq Keroyon, “40 years of Phantom”, Nyutabaru AB, 2013; 77-8398
- F-4EJ Kai Phantom II “Super Phantom”, 302sq (83th AW), “30 years of Phantom”, Naha AB, 2002; 17-8302
- F-4EJ Kai Phantom II “Super Phantom”, Koku Kaihatsu Jikken Shudan (Air Development and Test Wing), “ADTW 40 Anniversary”, Gifu AB, 1995; 27-8305
- F-4EJ Kai Phantom II “Super Phantom”, 8sq Black Panthers, “8th TFS 40 Anniversary; Misawa AB, 2000; 67-8384
- RF-4EJ Kai Phantom II “Super Phantom”, 501sq, Avión de reconocimiento armado, Hyakuri AB, Aprox 2014-2019; 77-6397
- F-4EJ Kai Phantom II “Super Phantom”, 301sq Keroyon, ex-306sq, Ultimo Phantom fabricado en el mundo, May 21, 1981 (de 5195); 17-8440
- F-4EJ Kai Phantom II “Super Phantom”, 8sq Black Panthers, “ACM 2003 Winner”, Misawa AB, 2003; 57-8354
- F-4EJ Kai Phantom II “Super Phantom”, 301sq Keroyon, Unidad conmemorativa (año final del Phantom) Phantom Phoerever; 07-8436
- F-4EJ Kai Phantom II “Super Phantom”, 8sq Black Panthers, 3rd WG 50th Anniversary, Misawa AB; 37-8312
- F-4EJ Kai Phantom II “Super Phantom”, 306sq Golden Eagles, Komatsu AB, 1985; 47-8328
- F-4EJ Kai Phantom II “Super Phantom”, 302sq, 302sq F-4 Final Year 2019, 2018-2019; 07-8428
- F-4EJ Kai Phantom II “Super Phantom”, 302sq, 302sq F-4 Final Year 2019, 2018-2019; 77-8399
- RF-4E Kai Phantom II, 501sq, TAM’96 “Oh My Goddess, Belldandy” ; 57-6909
- F-4EJ Kai Phantom II “Super Phantom”, 302sq, 302sq F-4 Final Year 2019, 2018-2019; 77-8399
- F-4EJ Kai Phantom II “Super Phantom”, 301sq Keroyon, Unidad conmemorativa (año final del Phantom) Phantom Phoerever; 07-8436
- F-4EJ Kai Phantom II “Super Phantom” (“Tora-san/Triple 3/Trouble 3”), 302sq, Hyakuri AB; 47-8333
Poster C1
Luftwaffe F-4F ICE con full afterburner. Download C1
Posters Dx
D1. Unidades conmemorativas para el adiós en servicio activo del Phantom en Japón, ~2020
- F-4EJ Kai Phantom II “Super Phantom”, 301sq Keroyon, Phantom Phoerever; 07-8436
- F-4EJ Kai Phantom II “Super Phantom”, 301sq Keroyon, Go for it!! 301sq; 37-8315
- A: F-4E PI2000 Phantom II, 338sq Ares; 01518
- B: F-4D Phantom II, Unidad de la Fundación Collings; 65-0749
- C: F-4J Phantom II, VF-74 Be-Devilers, También ex-RAF, Imperial War Museum – Duxford; 155529
- D: QF-4E Phantom II, 82 ATRS, Este aparato se usa en exhibiciones y eventos; AF74-626
- E: QF-4 Phantom II, 82 ATRS, Este aparato se usa en exhibiciones y eventos; AF74-627
- F: F-4N Phantom II, VF-111 Sundowners, USS Rosevelt (último tour, Mediterráneo), 1976-1977; 151008
- G: F-4EJ Kai Phantom II “Super Phantom”, 301sq Keroyon, Go for it!! 301sq, Hyakuri AB , 2019; 37-8315
- A: F-4J Phantom II, VF-84 Jolly Rogers, Ilustración usada en kits Revell; 155861
- B: F-4N Phantom II, VF-111 Sundowners, CAG, Ilustración usada en kits Academy; 151000
- C: F-4B Phantom II, VF-111 Sundowners, Ilustración original de rOEN911; No ID
- D: F-4B Phantom II, VF-111 Sundowners, Ilustración usada en kits Hasegawa; 153012
- E: F-4B Phantom II, VF-84 Jolly Rogers, CVW-19 CAG, Ilustración usada en kits Hasegawa; 150438 A y B
- F: F-4N Phantom II, VF-111 Sundowners, CAG, Portada del libro Warbirds (Adam Tooby/Titan); 151000
- G: F-4J Phantom II, VF-84 Jolly Rogers, USS Roosevelt, Ilustración usada en kits Hasegawa; 155868
- A: F-4E Phantom II, 131th TFW, 30 Years of Phabulous Phantoms, Ilustración usada en kits Hasegawa; AF68-338
- B: F-4EJ Kai Phantom II “Super Phantom”, 302sq, Ilustración usada en kits Hasegawa; 87-8414
- C: RF-4C Phantom II, 192nd TRS High Rollers, Ilustración de Rick Herter, Kuwait, 1991; AF65-886
- D: F-4C Phantom II, 199th FS Mytai Fighters (Hawaii ANG), 4 Derribos en Vietnam, 1984, Ilustración usada en kits Revell; AF64-806
- E: F-4J Phantom II, VF-21 Freelancers, USS Ranger, Ilustración usada en kits de Hasegawa; 158378
- F: F-4J Phantom II, VF-96 Fighting Falcons (Showtime 100), CVW-9, 3 MIGs Confirmados, Lt “Duke” Cunningham/Ltjg William P. Driscoll, Ilustración usada en kits Hasegawa; 155800
- G: F-4N Phantom II (“Ark Loyal”), VMFA-531 Grey Ghosts, Operaciones conjuntas en USS Forrestal/HMS Ark Royal, Ilustración usada en kits Hasegawa; 151477
Otros F-4’s en la fiesta
Diversas fotos independientes que no entraron en los posters, pero adornaron paredes y mesas.
Decoración General
Diversos objetos, parches y maquetas relacionados con el F-4 Phantom o con la aviación usados en la decoración.
Hooters in the Sky
Canción sacada del libro de canciones y memorabilia del 497th TFS Hooters, redactado por su personal principalmente durante su estancia en Taegu AB (GU) en los ’80. Orgullosos pilotos de rhinos (nombre informal del phantom) en esta canción se burlan de sus rivales (con un peyorativo gomers) en un ejercicio contra pilotos de la base aérea de Clark.
(To the tune of: Ghost Riders in the Sky)
The Hooters came to Thunder, in Rhinos two by two
They’re here to kick some Gomer ass, and beat them black and blue
We don’t have Mikes or Limas, and our radars they are old
But when the dust all settles, the story will be told
CHORUS: Rhinos away, Rhinos away, Hooters in the sky
They took off in the morning calm, their engines pouring smoke
They met the gomers beak to beak, and said let’s go for broke
They wrapped it up, they spit them out, they let their misslez fly
The Gomers only recourse, was to kill remove and die
The Gomers landed back at Clark, they bitched they meaned they cursed
They said that we had cheated, their egos had been burst
But when the debrief ended, and all was said and done
The Rhinos really kicked some ass and hadn’t lost a one
The moral of the story, you Gomers have to learn,
When you mess with Rhinos, you’re surely gonna burn.
*And painting “GU” upon your tails, just gave your jets some class,
and if you do not like it, then you can kiss our ass!
*And stealing Johny Rotten, just makes us Hotters mean,
And when you make a Rhino mad, he’s one bad ass machine.
- McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II
- USNAVY VF-21 Freelancers
- USNAVY VF-51 Screaming Eagles
- USNAVY VF-74 Be-Devilers
- USNAVY VF-84 Jolly Rogers
- USNAVY VF-96 Fighting Falcons
- USNAVY VF-111 Sundowners
- USNAVY VF-114 Aardvarks
- USNAVY VF-161 Chargers
- USNAVY VF-213 Black Lions
- USMC VMFA-531 Grey Ghosts
- USMC VMFAT-101 Sharpshooters
- USMC VMFP-3 Eyes of the Corps
- USAF 3rd TFS/TFW Peugeots
- USAF 34th TFS Rude Rams
- USAF 36th TFS The Flying Fiends
- USAF 68th TFS Lightning Lancers
- USAF 192nd TRS High Rollers
- USAF 110th TFS Lindbergh’s Own
- USAF 433rd TFS Satan’s Angels
- USAF 480th TFS Warhawks
- USAF 497th TFS Hooters/Night Owls
- USAF 555th TFS Triple Nickle
- USAF 561st TFS Black Knights
- ANG 199th FS Mytai Fighters
- Fundación Collings
- JASDF 301sq Keroyon
- JASDF 302sq
- JASDF 306sq Golden Eagles
- JASDF 501sq
- JASDF 8sq Black Panthers
- HAF 338sq Ares
- Luftwaffe WTD 61
- CV-41 USS Midway
- CV-42 USS Roosevelt
- CV-43 USS Coral Sea
- CV-59 USS Forrestal
- CV-62 USS Independence
- CV-63 USS Kitty Hawk
- R09 HMS Ark Royal
- Robin Olds
- Duke Cunningham
- William P. Driscoll
- Royce Williams
- Charles_B._DeBellevue
- Richard_Stephen_Ritchie
- Pardo’s Push
- OP. Linebacker II
- OP. Desert Storm